View All - 2002 Acts Section No : Acts & Ordinances SURVEYMarginal Notes1. This Act may be cited as the Survey Act. No 17, of 2002.2. Powers and functions of the Surveyor-General3. Delegation of powers and functions of the Surveyors-General.4. Surveyors general's decision on any question relating to land surveying or mapping to be final.5. Establishment and maintenance of national Geodetic control systems6. Aerial photography.7. Mapping.8. Data bases9. Land surveys to conform to the regulations10. Preparation of cadastral plans and maps .11. Surveyor-General to issue certificate of Accreditation12. Registered licensed surveyor to deposits copies of plans and maps13. Admissibility of plans or maps as evidence in civil proceedings.14. Surveyor- General or any person authorised may demand production of deed15. Demand of production of deed document or other instrument to include powers of examination.16. Surveyor-General may enter into and survey land.17. Penalty on abuse of power by Surveyor-General or registered Surveyor.18. Obstruction of Land Surveys.19. Interference with survey marks20. False servey marks.21. Proof of certain plans signed by the surveyor general.22. Copies purporting to be authenticated by the surveyor General admissible in evidence instead of originals.23. Preparation of cadastral maps or plans and placing of land marks.24. Regulations25. Repeal and savings.26. Establishment of the Land Survey Council.27. Members of the council28. Disqualification from being a member.29. Removal and resignation of members30. Term of office of members.31. Remuneration or allowance is members.32. Secretary,33. Meeting of the Council.34. Acts not invalidated by reason of a vacancy.35. Seal of the Council.36. Delegation of powers and functions of the council.37. Functions of the council.38. Powers of the Council.39. Surveyors to register with the Council.40. Surveyors entitled to be issued with a licence under the Surveyors ordinance deemed to be registered.41. Annual practicing licence.42. Register of Surveyor43. Copy of the register to be published.44. Powers of registered surveyor.45. Professional misconduct46. Charge against registered surveyor, to be reported to the Council.47. Disciplinary powers of Council.48. Right of registered surveyor involved in proceedings to be heard.49. Appeals from decisions of Council.50. Cancellation or suspension or conditions to be entered in register.51. Surrender of certificates.52. Committees,53. Annual report54. Continuing education.55. Staff of the Council.56. Fund of the council.57. Financial year and audit of accounts.58. Returns and information.59. Council deemed to be a scheduled institution within the meaning of the Bribery Act.60. Members, officers and servants of the Council deemed to be public servants.61. State property both movable and immovable to be made available to the Council.62. Acquisition immovable property under the Land Acquisition Act.63. Protection for action taken under this Act; or on the direction of the Council.64. Offences.65. Regulations66. Interpretation67. Sinhala Text to prevail in case of inconsistency.