View All - 2002 Acts Section No : Acts & Ordinances ELECTRICITY REFORMMarginal Notes1. This Act may be cited as the Electricity Reform Act. No, 28 of 2002 and shall come into operation on such date as the Minister may appoint by order published in the Gazette Different dates may be appointed in respect of different provisions of this Act.2. Administration of the Act.3. Functions of the Commission4. Objectives5. General policy Guideline to be issued by the Minister.6. Electrical Inspectors.7. Public hearings8. Prohibition on unlicensed supply &c. of electricity.9. Exceptions.10. Applications for licences.11. Procedure prior to grant of licences.12. Grant of licences.13. Form of Licence14. General condition of licences.15. special condition of generation licences.16. Special condition of transmission licences.17. Special condition of distribution licences.18. Assignment of licences.19. Revocation of licences.20. Application for exemption.21. Revocation and withdrawal of exemptions.22. Provisions of this Part to be in addition in conditions.23. Duties of transmission licences.24. Duties of distribution licensees.25. Exemption from duty connect and supply.26. Power to recover expenditure.27. Power to require security,28. Additional terms29. Tariffs30. Provisions of schedule to apply to licences.31. Modification in agreement32. Modification without agreement.33. Enforcement orders.34. Procedure for making enforcement orders.35. Effect of enforcement order.36. Offences.37. Power of Commission to vest management and control of undertaking of licensee in another authority or persons38. The resolution of disputes.39. Standard of performance for supply of electricity.40. Standards of overall performance and efficient use of electricity.41. Information with respect to levels of performance.42. Provision of new generation plant and extension of existing plant.43. Consent required for overhead and underground electric lines.44. High voltage lines.45. Scheme for reorganization of electricity industry.46. Incorporation of companies to take over functions of the Ceylon Electricity Board and the Lanka Electricity Company.47. Provision relating to officers and servants of Ceylon Electricity Board and the Lanka Electricity Company.48. Successor company to establish Provident Fund and contributory pension scheme.49. Mandatory provisions in memorandum of a successor company.50. Monitoring and Advisory Committee.51. Restriction of sale of shares of successor company.52. Successor company deemed to have been granted relevant licence to carry on activities it is authorized to carry on by its memorandum.53. Application of Act, No. 1 of 1996 to successor companies.54. Annual levy,55. General penalty.56. Extraction of electricity to be an offence.57. Improper use of electricity to be an offence.58. Offences by bodies of persons.59. Rules.60. Regulations61. Removal of difficulties.62. Purposes for which regulations may be made.63. Register.64. Returns and information65. Sinhala text to prevail in case of inconsistency.66. Repeals and transitional provisions67. Interpretation.