View All - 1986 Acts
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Acts & Ordinances
Marginal Notes
1. This Act may be cited as the Animal Feed Act, No. 15 of 1986.
2. Licensing Authority for animal feed.
3. Licensing
4. Application for license
5. Issue of licence.
6. Approved animal feed.
7. Sale of approved animal feed.
8. Animal Feed Advisory Committee.
9. Rules
10. Functions of the committee
11. Particulars to be stated on the print or label
12. Committee to make continuing studies and report.
13. Committee to furnish report on request of Minister.
14. Publication of studies and reports.
15. Cancel1ation of licence.
16. Alternation in container or composition
17. Appeals
18. Prohibition on manufacture, sale and distribution of approved animal feed
19. Approved animal feed deemed to be adulterated
20. Approved animal feed deemed to be misbranded.
21. Minimum standard to be maintained.
22. Warranty
23. Authorized officer and their functions.
24. Analysis of sample
25. Examination at Customs
26. Seizure of suspected approved animal feed
27. Feed
28. Penalty for a contravention of this Act
29. Forfeiture
30. Protection for action taken in good faith
31. Regulations
32. Interpretations