View All - 1968 Acts Section No : Acts & Ordinances CEYLON PETROLEUM CORPORATION (DETERMINATION OF COMPENSATION) SPECIAL PROVISIONSMarginal Notes1. This Act may be cited as the Ceylon Petroleum Corporation (Determination of Compensation) Special Provisions Act, No. 22 of 1968.2. Notice of any claim for compensation payable in respect of land (other than land of a foreign-owned petroleum company) vested in or requisitioned for the Corporation to be made to the Chairman of the Board of Directors. 3. Power of the Chairman of the Board of Directors or officer authorized by him to determine compensation payable to claimants. 4. Power to hold inquiries into claims for compensation. 5. Assessment and payment of compensation under this Act. 6. Duty of Chairman of the Board of Directors or other officer to make an award of the compensation and to give notice of such award. 7. Person dissatisfied with the amount of compensation awarded may appeal therefrom to the Board of Review constituted under the Land Acquisition Act. 8. Application of certain sections of the Land Acquisition Act in relation to appeals to the Board of Review under this Act, 9. Finality of an award made under this Act. 10. Tender and payment of compensation. 11. Payment into court of the amount of any compensation awarded under this Act where person entitled thereto declines to receive it, or is dead or cannot be found. 12. Power of the Chairman of the Board of Directors to pay advances on account of compensation. 13. Mode and manner of payment of compensation under this Act, 14. Offences. 15. Finality as to payment of compensation. 16. This Act to prevail over other written law. 17. Interpretation.