View All - 1968 Acts Section No : Acts & Ordinances REGISTRATION OF PERSONSMarginal Notes1. This Act may be cited as the Registration of Persons Act, No. 32 of 1968, and shall come into operation on such date as may be appointed by the Minister by Order published in the Gazette (in this Act referred to as the " appointed date ").2. Persons liable. 3. Appointment of officers and servants. 4. Powers and duties of officers. 5. Delegation of powers of the Commissioner. 6. Register of Persons. 7. Order appointing the period within which persons liable to registration are required to apply for such registration. 8. Obligation of persons liable to registration to apply for such registration. 9. Applications for registration. 10. Grounds on which application for registration may be rejected by the Commissioner. 11. Disposal of application for registration by the Commissioner. 12. Appeals to an appropriate Tribunal against decisions of the Commissioner on applications for registration. 13. Finality of decisions of the Commissioner on application for registration. 14. Identity cards to be issued to registered persons. 15. Identity card to be produced when required. 16. Issue of duplicate identity card in case of loss of original. 17. Issue of duplicate identity card in case of damage, &c. of original. 18. Recovery of lost identity cards. 19. Surrender of an identity card. 20. Appeals to an appropriate Tribunal against decisions of the Commissioner on applications for duplicates of identity cards. 21. Finality of decisions of the Commissioner on applications for duplicates of identity cards. 22. Identity card not transferable. 23. Alteration of identity card. 24. Not more than one identity card to be issued to any person. 25. Registration of Persons Tribunals. 26. Jurisdiction of a Tribunal. 27. Record of proceedings before a Tribunal. 28. Power to summon witnesses, etc. 29. Persons giving evidence before a Tribunal bound to state the truth. 30. Decision of a Tribunal to contain reasons. 31. Costs of proceedings before a Tribunal. 32. Procedure and practice before a Tribunal. 33. Decisions by a Tribunal. 34. Punishment of contempts. 35. Failure to obey summons, to give evidence. &c. 36. Government to meet cost of copies of photographs accompanying any application for registration. 37. Power of Commissioner, &c. to require applicants for registration or duplicate identity cards to furnish information. 38. Power to require employers to furnish. returns regarding persons in their employment. 39. Power of Commissioner or authorized officer to require information from persons general and to hold inquiries. 40. Certificate issued by certain officers for special purposes. 41. Limitation in regard to prosecutions 42. Proof of instrument issued by the Commissioner. 43. Commissioner, &c. deemed to be peace officers. 44. Offences. 45. Burden of proof cast on applicants for registration. 46. The operation of the Immigrants and Emigrants Act not to be prejudiced or affected by this Act. 47. Certain identity card invalid. 48. Offences to be triable summarily by a Magistrate. 49. Liability in case of offences committed by a body corporate or union corporate. 50. Offences to be cognizable. 51. Compounding of offences. 52. Regulations. 53. Service of documents. 54. Fees, fines and penalties to be credited to the Consolidated Fund of Ceylon. 55. Interpretation.