View All - 1972 Acts Section No : Acts & Ordinances LICENSING OF SHIPPING AGENTSMarginal Notes1. This Act may be cited as the Licensing of Shipping Agents Act, No. 10 of 1972.2. The succeeding provisions of this Act not to apply to the Ceylon Shipping Corporation. 3. Prohibition of the carrying on of the business of a Shipping Agent without a licence. 4. Licences not transferable. 5. No compensation for any loss incurred by reason of a licence not being issued to any person who prior to the appointed date carried on business as a Shipping Agent. 6. Suspension or cancellation of licences. 7. Power to issue directions to Shipping Agents. 8. Powers of entry and inspection. 9. Maintenance of records. 10. Regulations. 11. Offences. 12. Penalties. 13. Liability of certain persons in respect of offences committed by bodies corporate or unincorporate. 14. Power to cancel licences on conviction of Shipping Agents. 15. Interpretation.