View All - 1970 Acts Section No : Acts & Ordinances CONDOMINIUM PROPERTYMarginal Notes1. This Act may be cited as the Condominium Property Act, No. 12 of 1970, and shall come into operation on such date (hereinafter referred to as the " appointed date ") as the Minister may appoint by Order published in the Gazette.2. Application for registration of Condominium Plans. 3. Requisites for registration of Condominium Plans. 4. Registration of Condominium Plan and appeals against refusal. 5. Effect of registration of a Condominium Plan. 6. Shares in common property. 7. Title to unit subject to registered interests. 8. Redivision of unit. 9. Easements in favour of or against owner. 10. Ancillary rights and obligations implied. 11. Owners of units in Condominium Plan to be a body corporate. 12. Voting rights. 13. Board of Managers. 14. By-laws. 15. Administrative expenses. 16. Insurance by body corporate. 17. Insurance by owner. 18. Recovery of rates, &c. 19. Right of entry. 20. Termination of condominium. 21. Effect of termination of condominium. 22. Regulations. 23. Special powers of the Commissioner. 24. Delegation of powers, &c, by the Commissioner. 25. Provisions of Partition Act not to apply in certain cases. Cap. 69. 26. Offences. 27. Provisions of the act to prevail over other Jaw. 28. Interpretation.