View All - 1971 Acts Section No : Acts & Ordinances STATE GEM CORPORATIONMarginal Notes1. This Act may be cited as the State Gem Corporation Act, No. 13 of 1971, and shall come into operation on such date as may be appointed by the Minister of Finance by Order published in the Gazette, hereinafter referred to as the " appointed date ".2. Establishment of the State Gem Corporation. 3. Membership of the Corporation. 4. Remuneration and conditions of service of members of the Corporation. 5. Employees of the Corporation. 6. Delegation of powers, functions or duties of the Corporation. 7. Chairman of the Corporation. 8. Seal of the Corporation. 9. Quorum for meeting of the Corporation. 10. Regulation of procedure. 11. Powers of the Minister of Finance in relation to the Corporation. 12. Scope of the authority of the Corporation. 13. Functions of the Corporation. 14. Provisions relating to gems obtained from Crown lands. 15. Modification &c., of any scheduled written law. 16. Exclusive right to import or export gems vested in the Corporation. 17. Transfer of Crown property to the Corporation. 18. Compulsory acquisition of any land for the Corporation. 19. General powers of the Corporation. 20. Power of Corporation to make rules. 21. Power of Corporation to make by laws. 22. Capital of the Corporation. 23. Borrowing powers of the Corporation. 24. Investment of moneys of the Corporation. 25. Application of the revenue of the Corporation. 26. Appropriation of net surplus revenue of the Corporation. 27. Accounts. 28. Audit of accounts. 29. Report of the Corporation and copies of Auditor-General's report and statement of accounts and statistics to be sent to the Minister and laid before the Senate and the House of Representatives, and copies of such reports and statistics to be made available for purchase by the public. 30. Reward fund 31. Power of inspection and search. 32. Power to seize articles. 33. Form of applications to a District Court. 34. Burden of proof. 35. Proceedings in Court on an application. 36. Costs of proceedings in a District Court on an application. 37. Prohibition of the obstruction, & c of employees of the Corporation. 38. Regulations. 39. Compounding of offences. 40. Offences. 41. Forfeiture of articles. 42. Disposal of articles forfeited to Her Majesty. 43. Power of Corporation to compound claims. 44. Liability of directors and certain officers of a body corporate for offence committed by that body. 45. Certificate by Chairman or authorized member or officer. 46. Power of companies, &c., to enter into contracts with the Corporation. 47. Protection for action taken under this Act or on the direction of the Corporation. 48. No writ to issue against person or property of a member of the Corporation. 49. The Corporation deemed to be a scheduled institution within the meaning of the Bribery Act. 50. Amendment of Schedule. 51. Interpretation. 52. Section - 52