| 1.
| | This Act may be cited as the Motor Transport Act, No. 48 of 1957. |
| 2.
| | Establishment of Ceylon Transport Board. |
| 3.
| | The Ceylon Transport Board to be a body corporate. |
| 4.
| | Application of the seal of the Ceylon Transport Board.[ 3, 22 of 1961.] |
| 5.
| | General duty of the Ceylon Transport Board. |
| 6.
| | Powers of the Ceylon Transport Board. |
| 7.
| | Powers of the Minister in relation to the Ceylon Transport Board. |
| 8.
| | The general manager and the chief accounting officer. |
| 9.
| | Appointment of public officers, and officers and servants of the Local Government service and of any local authority, to the staff of the Ceylon Transport Board. |
| 10.
| | Officers and servants of the Ceylon Transport Board deemed to be public servants. Cap. 19. |
| 11.
| | Ceylon Transport Board deemed to be a scheduled institution within the meaning of the Bribery Act. Cap. 26. |
| 12.
| | Date* on and after which all regular omnibus services, other than those provided by the Colombo Municipal Council, are to be provided by the Ceylon Transport Board. |
| 13.
| | Termination of stage carriage permits for regular omnibus services other than those held by the Colombo Municipal Council. |
| 14.
| | Date on and after which all regular omnibus services provided by the Colombo Municipal Council are to be provided by the Ceylon Transport Board. |
| 15.
| | Termination of stage carriage permits for regular omnibus services held by the Colombo Municipal Council. |
| 16.
| | Power of Minister to terminate stage carriage permits for regular hiring car services. |
| 17.
| | No compensation for loss incurred by reason of cessation of stage carriage permits for regular omnibus or hiring car services. |
| 17A.
| | No compensation for loss incurred by reason of the vesting in the board of omnibuses used for providing occasional omnibus services. [ 5, 22 of 1961.] |
| 18.
| | Duty of stage carriage permit holders to carry on their undertakings so long as their permits are in force. |
| 19.
| | Notice of claim or disclaimer in respect of property used or intended to be used by holder of stage carriage permits for the purpose of providing a regular omnibus service. [ 6, 22 of 1961.] |
| 20.
| | Compulsory transfer to the Ceylon Transport Board of certain property. |
| 21.
| | Requisitioning of immovable notified property required for the purposes of the Ceylon Transport Board. |
| 21A.
| | Revocation of vesting Order. [ 7, 22 of 1961.] |
| 22.
| | Compulsory acquisition of requisitioned property. |
| 23.
| | Taking possession of property vested in, or requisitioned for, the Ceylon Transport Board. |
| 24.
| | Prevention of, or obstruction to, taking possession of property for and on behalf of the Ceylon Transport Board. |
| 25.
| | Acquisition of immovable property under the Land Acquisition Act for the Ceylon Transport Board. Cap. 460. |
| 26.
| | Special grant or lease of Crown property to the Ceylon Transport Board. Cap. 454. |
| 27.
| | Power to require information and to inspect. [ 9, 22 of 1961.] |
| 28.
| | Borrowing powers of the Ceylon Transport Board. |
| 29.
| | Ceylon transport stock. |
| 30.
| | Government guarantee. |
| 31.
| | Investment of funds of the Ceylon Transport Board. |
| 32.
| | Reserves. |
| 33.
| | Application of the revenue of the Ceylon Transport Board. |
| 34.
| | Accounts of Ceylon Transport Board and of audit such accounts. |
| 35.
| | Powers of the Auditor-General and his assistants. |
| 36.
| | Report of Ceylon Transport Board and copies of Auditor-General's report and statement of accounts and statistics to be sent to Minister and laid before the Senate and the House of Representatives, and copies of such reports and statistics to be made available for purchase by the public. |
| 37.
| | Power to exempt the Ceylon Transport Board from operation of section 99 (1) of the Motor Traffic Act. Cap. 203. |
| 38.
| | Employment by the Ceylon Transport Board of certain employees of holders of stage carriage permits for regular omnibus services. |
| 39.
| | Power of the Ceylon Transport Board to discontinue services of persons employed under section 38. |
| 40.
| | Payments in respect of persons who are or have been employed in connexion with any authorized omnibus transport business. [ 12, 22 of 1961.] |
| 40A.
| | Transfer of amounts standing to the credit of certain funds to the Ceylon Transport Board. [ 13, 22 of 1961.] |
| 40B.
| | Commutation. of liability to pay pensions. [ 13, 22 of 1961.] |
| 41.
| | Motor Transport labour tribunals. [ 14,22 of 1961.] |
| 41A.
| | Matters that are to be referred to the Commissioner of Labour. [ 15, 22 of 1961.] |
| 42.
| | Matters that are to be referred to Motor Transport labour tribunals. [ 16, 22 of 1961.] |
| 41A.
| | Regulations. [ 17. 22 of 1961.] |
| 43.
| | Interpretation of certain expressions occurring in this Part. |
| 44.
| | Notice to persons entitled to make claims to the compensation payable under this Act in respect of any property vested in or requisitioned for the Ceylon Transport Board. |
| 45.
| | Provisions to be complied with by the chairman on the receipt of claims to compensation. |
| 46.
| | Reference to the compensation tribunal for an award as to compensation in respect of any property vested in or requisitioned for the Ceylon Transport Board. |
| 47.
| | Compensation in respect of omnibuses vested in the Ceylon Transport Board. |
| 48.
| | Compensation in respect of properties vested in the Ceylon Transport Board, other than omnibuses. |
| 49.
| | Compensation in respect of property requisitioned for the Ceylon Transport Board. |
| 50.
| | Proportionate payment of compensation, and interest on compensation until date of payment. [ 19, 22 of 1961.] |
| 51.
| | Right to compensation. |
| 52.
| | Deductions from compensation. [ 20, 22 of 1961.] |
| 52A.
| | Certification of amount that cannot be paid out of compensation under section 52. [ 21, 22 of 1961.] [ 7. 34 of 1962.] |
| 52B.
| | Recovery of amount that cannot be paid out of compensation under paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section 52 by any person. [ 21, 22 of 1961.] [ 8, 34 of 1962.] |
| 53.
| | Mode and manner of payment of compensation. [ 22, 22 of 1961.] |
| 54.
| | Provision for cases where compensation is not accepted, &c. |
| 55.
| | Constitution of the compensation tribunal. |
| 56.
| | Remuneration of members, officers and servants of the tribunal and expenses of the tribunal. |
| 57.
| | Meetings of the tribunal. |
| 58.
| | Proceedings before tribunal. |
| 59.
| | Power to summon witnesses, &c. |
| 60.
| | Persons giving evidence bound to state the truth. |
| 61.
| | Determination of the tribunal. |
| 62.
| | Tribunal may regulate its procedure at meetings. |
| 63.
| | Chairman of the Ceylon Transport Board and claimants to compensation to be given an opportunity of being heard before the making of an award. |
| 64.
| | Provision in regard to evidence. |
| 65.
| | An award as to compensation by the tribunal on a reference. |
| 66.
| | Establishment of fares board. |
| 67.
| | Term of office of members of fares board. |
| 68.
| | Resignation of members of fares board. |
| 69.
| | Removal from office of members of fares board. |
| 70.
| | Quorum for meetings of fares board. |
| 71.
| | Procedure at meetings of fares board. |
| 72.
| | Staff required for the work of the fares board. |
| 73.
| | Remuneration of members, officers and servants of the fares board and expenses of the board. |
| 74.
| | Fares schemes. |
| 75.
| | Contents of fares schemes. |
| 76.
| | Objections to fares schemes; and consideration of, and decision on, fares schemes by fares board. |
| 77.
| | Alteration of fares schemes. |
| 78.
| | Review of fares schemes. |
| 79.
| | Power to increase, without public inquiry, maximum fares by a fares scheme. |
| 80.
| | Special provisions as to exercise by the Ceylon Transport Board and the fares board of their powers as to fares. |
| 81.
| | Fares levied by the Ceylon Transport Board to be not more than maximum fares fixed in fares scheme in force, &c. |
| 82.
| | Interpretation of the expression " omnibus services " for the purposes of this Part. |
| 83.
| | Regulations. |
| 84.
| | Offences. |
| 85.
| | Liability of directors and certain officers of a body corporate for offence committed by that body. |
| 86.
| | Provision in regard to mortgages and leases. |
| 87.
| | Power of companies, &c, to enter into contracts with the Ceylon Transport Board. |
| 88.
| | Protection for action taken under this Act or on the direction of the Ceylon Transport Board |
| 89.
| | No writ to issue against person or property of a member of the Ceylon Transport Board. |
| 90.
| | Provision in regard to the Motor Traffic Act |
| 91.
| | Interpretation. |
| 1.
| | Section 2 of the Motor Traffic Act is hereby amended by the addition, at the end of that section, of the following new subsection: - " (8) The possession or use by the Ceylon Transport Board of a motor coach shall be deemed not to be a contravention of subsection (1) so long as that coach is not used on any highway for the carriage of persons or goods for fee or reward.". |
| 2.
| |
Section - 2 |
| 3.
| |
Section - 3 |
| 4.
| |
Section - 4 |
| 5.
| |
Section - 5 |
| 6.
| |
Section - 6 |
| 7.
| |
Section - 7 |
| 8.
| |
Section - 8 |
| 9.
| |
Section - 9 |
| 10.
| |
Section - 10 |
| 1.
| | Section 169 of the Motor Traffic Act shall not apply to or in relation to any omnibus or hiring car of the Ceylon Transport Board. |
| 2.
| | [ 10. 34 of 1962.] |
| 3.
| | [ 10, 34 of 1962.] |
| 4.
| | [ 10, 34 of 1962.] |
| 5.
| | [ 10, 34 of 1962.] |