View All - 1957 Acts Section No : Acts & Ordinances TEA CONTROLMarginal Notes1. The Act may be cited as the Tea Control Act, No. 51 of 1957, and shall come into operation on such date as the Minister may appoint by Order published in the Gazette.2. Register of Estates and Register of Small Holdings. 3. Returns to be furnished before registration. 4. Determination of questions relating to registration. 5. Amendment of Registers 6. Register of Manufacturers.7. Persons in possession of tea factories who are not, or who are not deemed to be, registered manufacturers to furnish returns. 8. Determination of question relating to registration. 9. Manufacture of made tea in registered factories. 10. Registered manufacturers to notify Controller of any change in the particulars contained in returns. 11. Registered manufacturers to furnish returns of the tea manufactured. 12. Planting or replanting of tea to be under the authority of a permit issued by the Controller. 13. Application for permits. 14. Tea planting or replanting permits. 15. Possession of tea. 16. Sale and purchase of tea. 17. Licensed dealers. 18. Duties of licensed dealers and manufacturers manufacturing made tea from green tea leaf which is not the produce of their estates or small holdings. 19. Declaration to be received with made tea or green tea leaf delivered. 20. Taking or making delivery of tea or possession of tea in excess of the prescribed quantity. 21. Licences issued under the Tea Thefts Prevention Act. 22. Restriction of possession of refuse tea. 23. Restriction of sale or purchase of refuse tea. 24. Permits for purchase of refuse tea. 25. Export of made tea. 26. Application for licences. 27. Furnishing of monthly returns of made tea exported. 28. Export of tea seed, &c. 29. Applications for planting material export permits. 30. Establishment of Tea Control Fund. 31. Sums to be paid to the Tea Control Fund. Cap. 435. 32. Sums to be paid out of the Tea Control Fund. 33. Estimates of the income and expenditure of the Tea Control Fund. 34. Accounts of the Tea Control Fund. 35. Application of surplus in the Tea Control Fund. 36. Export duty on tea. 37. Appeals. 38. Contraventions of provisions of this Act or of regulations. 39. Non-compliance with directions or requirements under this Act. 40. Resistance to or obstruction of persons performing duties, &c, under this Act. 41. Making of false declarations records, or returns. 42. Possession by registered proprietor of estate or small holding of articles in excess of the quantity specified in declaration for purposes of section 19. 43. Discrepancy in quantity of made tea or green tea leaf in licensed premises of licensed dealer or in tea factory of manufacturer and quantity entered in the register. 44. Possession by certain registered proprietors of quantity of made tea or green tea leaf which he cannot reasonably account for to be an offence. 45. Punishment of offences under this Act. 46. Transmission to Controller of proceedings on conviction of licensed dealer. 47. Controller's sanction necessary for prosecution. 48. Compounding of offences. 49. Regulations. 50. Appointment of Controller and other officers. 51. Appointment of holders of pensionable posts in the public service to the staff of the Tea Control Department 52. Powers of the Minister and of the Minister of Commerce and Trade in regard to the Controller. 53. Delegation of Controller's powers. 54. Controller's power to call for information. 55. Powers of entry and inspection. 56. Establishment of Tea Advisory Board. 57. Duties of the Tea Advisory Board. 58. Verification of returns, explanations and information. 59. No stamp duty on declarations. 60. Gratuity scheme. 61. Repeals. Cap. 435. Cap. 35. 62. Savings. Cap. 435. Cap. 35. 63. Interpretation.