View All - 1975 Acts Section No : Acts & Ordinances NATIONAL PRICES COMMISSION LAWMarginal Notes1. This Law may be cited as the National Prices Commission Law, No. 42 of 1975, and shall come into operation on such date (in this Law referred to as the " appointed date ") as the Minister may appoint by Order published in the Gazette.2. National Prices Commission.3. The Commission to be a body corporate. 4. Members of the Commission. 5. Chairman of the Commission. 6. Remuneration of members of the Commission. 7. Members to disclose interest in any decision to be made, by Commission. 8. Officers and servants of the Commission. 9. Proceedings at meeting of the Commission. 10. Commission may act despite a vacancy. 11. Custody of the seal of the Commission. 12. Application of the seal of the Commission. 13. Function and powers of the Commission. 14. Power to require maintenance of records and the furnishing of returns. 15. Power of Commission to call for information. 16. Power to hold inquiries. 17. Controller of Prices may request Commission to fix the prices, or to set out the price structure, of certain articles. 18. Relevant agency may request Commission to vary the prices fixed by Order for an article. 19. Requests under sections 17 and 18 to be in forms determined by Commission. 20. Procedure and powers of Commission on receipt of a request under section 17 or section 18. 21. Time limit within which powers and duties under section 20 are to be exercised and discharged. 22. Power of Minister to rescind or vary an Order made under section 20. 23. Obligatory reference in the case of variation of price or charge of any prescribed article or prescribed service. 24. Advisory reference. 25. Fund of the Commission. 26. Financial year of the Commission. 27. Application of provisions of Part II of the Finance Act, No. 38 of 1971. 28. Expenditure of the Commission. 29. Protection for action taken under this Law. 30. Regulations. 31. Offences and penalties. 32. This Law to prevail over other written law. 33. Interpretation.