View All - 1966 Acts
Section No :  
Acts & Ordinances
Marginal Notes
1. This Act may be cited as the Higher Education Act, No. 20 of 1966.
2. Higher education.
3. Responsibility of Minister.
4. Power of Minister to issue directions to the Council of National Higher Education.
5. Power of Minister to cause of activities or administration of Higher Educational Institutes to be investigated and reported upon.
6. Duties of the National Council of Higher Education and a Higher Educational Institute in respect of any order made under section 5.
7. Establishment of National Council of Higher Education.
8. Objects of the National Council.
9. Constitution of the National Council.
10. Disqualifications for membership of the National Council
11. Term of office of appointed members of the National Council.
12. Resignation of office by appointed members of the National Council.
13. Acting appointment to the National Council.
14. Reimbursement of expenses of members of the National Council.
15. Proceedings of the National Council.
16. Chairman of the National Council.
17. Staff of the National Council
18. Appointment of certain classes of officers and servants to the staff of the National Council.
19. Members of the National Council and the staff of that Council deemed to be public servants. Cap. 19.
20. The National Council deemed to be a scheduled institution within the meaning of the Bribery Act. Cap. 26.
21. Fund of the National Council.
22. Accounts of the National Council and financial year.
23. Audit of accounts of the National Council.
24. The Auditor-General's report.
25. Annual accounts with the auditor's report to be transmitted to the Minister.
26. Protection for action taken under this Act. &c., or on the direction of the National Council.
27. No writ to issue against person or property of a Member of the National Council
28. Succeeding provisions of this Part of this Act not to prejudice the operation of certain other provisions.
29. General powers of the National Council.
30. Establishment and maintenance of a Central Agency for regulation of admissions of students to Higher Educational Institutes.
31. Annual report of the National Council
32. Power of the National Council to call for information or returns.
33. Power of the National Council to make Regulations.
34. Incorporation order for the establishment of a University.
35. Effect of the Incorporation Order and general powers of a Higher Educational Institute which is a University.
36. Objects of a University.
37. Powers of a University.
38. Certain restrictions on the application of section 38. Cap. 351.
39. Certain restrictions on the application of section 38.
40. Power of Minister to postpone the date on which a University shall commence to carry out its objects.
41. Chancellor and Pro-Chancellor.
42. The Vice-Chancellor of a University,
43. The Secretary and Librarian of a University.
44. The Authorities of a University.
45. The Board of Regents of a University.
46. Powers and duties of the Board of Regents of a University.
47. The Senate of a University.
48. Powers and duties of the Senate of a University.
49. Faculties and Deans of Faculties.
50. Powers and duties of a Faculty of a University.
51. Other Authorities of a University.
52. Holding of a Convocation of a University.
53. Procedure of a Convocation of a University.
54. Establishment of a Campus of a University.
55. A Campus Board.
56. Statutes.
57. Ordinances.
58. Rules by Authorities and other bodies of a University.
59. Student Unions of a Campus or University.
60. Student Councils of a Campus or a University.
61. Certain prohibitions imposed on Student Councils, &c.
62. Power of Board of Regents of a University in relation to student organizations in certain circumstances.
63. Schemes of recruitment to the staff of a University.
64. Appointments, &c., to the staff of a University.
65. Interpretation of this Part of this Act.
66. Establishment of a provident fund.
67. Statutes for the regulation of a provident fund
68. Contributions to a provident fund
69. Payments out of a provident fund.
70. Deductions prior to payment from a provident fund.
71. Financial year.
72. University Fund.
73. Grants in aid of a University.
74. The Secretary to keep accounts, &c.
75. Audit.
76. Publication of accounts in Gazette.
77. Estimates and appropriations to be considered by the Board of Regents.
78. Estimates, appropriations and annual accounts to be considered by the National Council.
79. The National Council to return estimates and appropriations with any resolution under section 78.
80. Supplementary estimates.
81. Gifts, bonuses, &c.
82. Deprivation of degree, etc., on account of misconduct.
83. Questions as to validity of elections, appointments, &c.
84. Vacancies or defects not to invalidate resolutions or proceedings.
85. Certain assets of members of the staff of a University exempt from seizure in execution.
86. Special powers of the Minister in cases of emergency.
87. Radius of a Campus of a University.
88. Restrictions on the use of the word "University".
89. Establishment of a Higher Educational Institute having the status of a Junior University College.
90. Effect of an Order made under section 89.
91. Objects of a Junior University College.
92. Administration of Junior University Colleges.
93. Regulations relating to Junior University Colleges.
94. Financial provision in respect of a Junior University College.
95. Application of Chapter 268 to areas within the precincts or in proximity to the precincts of a University.
96. Repeals of University Enactments. Cap. 186.
97. Certain provisions applicable upon the repeal of a University Enactment.
98. Provisions applicable for the purpose of giving full force and effect to section 97.
99. Effect of an old University becoming a transferred University.
100. Special provisions relating to the Registrar of an old University.
101. Special provisions relating to transferred members of the staff of a University.
102. Special provisions pending the establishment of a University under this Act.
103. Adjustment of questions not provided for.
104. Interpretation.