View All - 1973 Acts Section No : Acts & Ordinances AGRICULTURAL LANDS LAWMarginal Notes1. This Law may be cited as the Agricultural Lands Law, No. 42 of 1973.2. Circumstances in which tenant of paddy land it regarded as its tenant cultivator. 3. Eights of tenant cultivators; provision in regard to certain evicted tenant of paddy lands; and restriction of eviction of tenants of paddy lands 4. Procedure to eviction 5. Obligation of tenant cultivator. 6. Nomination of successor to tenant cultivator's rights. 7. Devolution of rights of tenant cultivator in the absence of nomination of successor or where such successor does not survive such tenant cultivator or where such tenant cultivator cultivates an extent of paddy land either jointly or in rotation with any other tenant cultivator. 8. Tribunal to decide disputes regarding devolution of rights to tenant cultivator. 9. Curators. 10. Transfer of cession of rights of tenant cultivator. 11. Effects of transfer of rights of tenant cultivator. 12. Where there is no successor to inherit, a tenant cultivators rights. 13. Action to be taken by Cultivation Committee when rights of a tenant cultivator are transferred to such Committee. 14. Effect of retention by Cultivation Committee of the rights of tenant cultivator transferred to such Committee. 15. Person not entitled to rights of a deceased tenant cultivator in respect of any extent of paddy land not to occupy and use such extent. 16. Power of Agricultural Productivity Committee to appoint tenant cultivator. 17. Power of Cultivation Committee to appoint agricultural labourers to be tenant; cultivators. 18. Wages of agricultural 19. Non cultivation of any extent of paddy land to be notified to the landlord and the Cultivation Committee). 20. Bent to be determined by the Minister. 21. When rent is not payable. 22. Time and place for paying rent and when rent commences to be in arrear. 23. Tenant cultivator so inform landlord of the dates for harvesting and removal of paddy. 24. To whom rent is payable. 25. Provisions applicable where rent-is paid through an Agricultural Productivity Committee to the landlord or to his authorized agent. 26. Receipt to he given far payment of rent. 27. Interest to be paid on rent arrear. 28. Recovery of rent and interest in arrear. 29. Application of this chapter 30. Form of mortgage of land. 31. Default of payment. 32. Action by prescribed bank where default is made. 33. Priority of charge created by loan made 34. Prescribed bank not precluded from other methods of recovery. 35. Debt Conciliation Ordinance and Conciliation Boards Act, Mo. 10 of 1958, not to apply to debts due to a prescribed bank 36. Cultivation Committee for each, area determined by the Minister, 37. Cultivation Committee subject to control of Agricultural Productivity Committees. 38. Cultivation Committee to act as agent of Agricultural Productivity Committees. 39. Register of Agricultural Lands. 40. Duties of Cultivation. Committees 41. Further powers and duties of Cultivation Committees. 42. Power to borrow. 43. Cultivation Committee exempt from stamp duty fees. 44. Exemption of Cultivation Committee from income tax. 45. Cultivation Committee. 46. Accounts. 47. Agricultural Tribunal to decide dispute as to whether or not a land is a paddy land. 48. Compulsory acquisition of agricultural land. 49. Acquisition of paddy land offered on prescribed ground to the State for purchase. 50. Purposes for which a paddy land may be used. 51. Offences. 52. Regulations. 53. Repeal of Paddy Lands Act, No. 1 of 1958. 54. Interpretation.