View All - 1973 Acts Section No : Acts & Ordinances SALE OF STATE LANDS (SPECIAL PROVISIONS) LAWMarginal Notes1. This Law may be cited as the Sale of State Lands (Special Provisions Law, No. 43 of 1973.2. Government Agent to report on state land for sale in his district. 3. Land commissioner to take action on such report. 4. Land Commissioner to convey to Government Agent his decision. 5. Notification of sale of State land. 6. Persons to whom state land may be alienated. 7. Appeal to Land commissioner. 8. Government Agent not to alienate the land, to which an appeal relates. 9. Price to be paid for purchase of and. 10. Payment immediate or in instalments. 11. When grant is given. 12. Cancellation of sale. 13. Form of grant and conditions therein. 14. Registration of grants. 15. Diagram to be attached to grant. 16. Copy to be supplied on payment of prescribed fee. 17. Payment in instalments. 18. When Permit is granted. 19. Survey of land and registration of permit. 20. Permit to remain in force till grant is obtained. 21. Where permit is converted to a grant. 22. Conditions in, a grant or permit to run with the land. 23. Protection of lands held on permits or grants. 24. Disposition of land on grant or permit. 25. Last will of holder to have certain limitations. 26. Devolution of title in case of intestacy. 27. Government Agent to cancel permits. 28. Notice to issue on party in occupation to vacate land. 29. Report to a Magistrate if person served with notice refuses to vacate land. 30. Summons to issue. 31. Order of ejectment where no cause is shown. 32. Inquiry if cause is shown. 33. Order of ejectment. 34. Execution of order of ejectment. 35. Instalment already paid to be refunded on cancellation. 36. Alienees under land Development Ordinance have right to purchase under this law. 37. Special provisions to apply in respect of land acquired under the Land Redemption Ordinance and alienated by way of grant or Permit issued under the Land Development Ordinance. 38. Where application is made by alienees under the Land Development Ordinance. 39. New manner of payment. 40. Provisions of this law to apply to old permits. 41. Grant under the Land Development Ordinance converted to a grant under this law. 42. Alienation of land under the Land Development Ordinance to be cancelled. 43. Power to make regulations. 44. No prescriptive title to be acquired to land alienated under permit. 45. Notary prohibited from attesting instrument of disposition of land held under grant of permit. 46. Notary attesting deed in breach of section 45 guilty of an offence. 47. Punishment for encroachers. 48. Action re vindicatio may be maintained against State in respect of alienated land. 49. Power to acquire land the title of" which has been vindicated under section 48. 50. Protection of state officers. 51. General law not to apply to land sold under this Law. 52. Agricultural Productivity Law to apply to land alienated under this Law. 53. Repeal of Chapters 11 and III of Land Development Ordinance. 54. Amendment of other written law. 55. Interpretation.