View All - 1974 Acts Section No : Acts & Ordinances BANK OF CEYLON (AMENDMENT) LAWMarginal Notes1. This Law may be cited as the Bank of Ceylon (Amendment) Law, No. 10 of 1974.2. Replacement of section 4 of Chapter 397. 3. Replacement of section 6 of the principal enactment. 4. Replacement of section 7 of the principal enactment. 5. Replacement of section 8 of the principal enactment. 6. Replacement of section 9 of the principal enactment. 7. Replacement of section 10 of the principal enactment. 8. Replacement of section 11 of the principal enactment. 9. Replacement of section 12 of the principal enactment. 10. Replacement of section 13 of the principal enactment. 11. Replacement of section 14 of the principal enactment. 12. Replacement of sections 15 to 32 of the principal enactment. 13. Replacement of section 38 of the principal enactment. 14. Repeal of sections 34 to 40 of the principal enactment. 15. Repeal of sections 45 to 55 of the principal enactment. 16. Replacement of section 56 of the principal enactment. 17. Amendment of section 57 of the principal enactment. 18. Replacement of section 58 of the principal enactment. 19. Replacement of section 60 of the principal enactment. 20. Amendment of section 61 of the principal enactment. 21. Replacement of section 64 of he principal enactment. 22. Replacement of section 65 of the principal enactment. 23. Repeal of sections 66 and 67 of the principal enactment. 24. Replacement of sections 63 and 69 of the principal enactment. 25. Insertion of new sections 69a to 69d in the principal enactment. 26. Repeal of section 73 of principal enactment. 27. Repeal of section 75 of the principal enactment. 28. Amendment of section 76 of the principal enactment. 29. Repeal of section 8 of Finance Act, No. 65 of 1961. 30. Amendment of Schedules to principal enactment. 31. Insertion of Third Schedule in the principal enactment. 32. *Alter whenever necessary. 33. *Alter whenever necessary 34. Amendment of the First Schedule to the principal enactment. 2. Amendment of the Second Schedule to the principal enactment.