View All - 1996 Acts Section No : Acts & Ordinances BUDDHASRAVAKA BHIKKU UNIVERSITYMarginal Notes1. This Act may be cited as the Buddhasravaka Bhikku University Act, No. 26 of 1996, and shall come into operation in respect of all or any of its provisions on such date or dates as the Minister may appoint by Order published in the Gazette. Different dates may be appointed in respect of different Parts of this Act.2. Establishment of the Buddhasravaka Bhikku University.3. Objects of the university.4. Provision of the University.5. The Maha Mahopadyaya6. Officers of the University.7. The Mahopadyaya.8. The Registrar9. The Bursar10. The Librarian11. The authorities of the University12. The Uththarithra Sabhawa of the University13. Powers, duties and functions of the Uththarithara Sabhawa14. The Council of the University15. Powers , duties and function of the Council.16. The Senate17. Powers, duties and function of the Senate.18. Vacancy in or defect appointment or nomination of a members of an authority not invalidate any act of the authority.19. Responsibility of Minister.20. Power of the Minister to issue direction to the University21. Holding of the convocations of the University22. Appointment to the staff be made by the Council23. Appointment of teachers24. Retirement of teacher25. Appointment to a post other than that of teacher.26. Retirement of persons other than teacher.27. Appointment of public officers to the staff of the University28. Appointment of officers and servants of Higher Educational Institution to the staff of the University.29. Interpretation of this part of this Act.30. Establishment of Buddhasavaka Bhikku university provident fund.31. Regulation of the Provident Fund.32. Contributions to the Provident Fund.33. Repayment to Contributors.34. Deduction prior to payments from the Provident Fund.35. Unpaid Provident Fund accumulate compound interest in certain cases.36. certain assets of contributor exempt from . seizure or execution. ,37. Establishment of pension scheme and Widows' and Orphans pension fund38. Financial year39. The University Fund.40. Grants in and of University.41. Council to consider triennial estimates an annual appropriation.42. The Minister to consider technical estimates an annual appropriation.43. Duties of Bursar.44. The Council to consider triennial estimates, annual appropriation45. Transfer of Funds from one vote to another46. Audits of accounts47. Exemption of the University from rates.48. Publication of audited accounts.49. Annual accounts and auditor general's report to be transmitted to Minister.50. Indemnity for acts is good faith51. Application of the Chapter 268 to areas within precincts or in proximity to the precincts of the University.52. Application of Government Quarters (recovery of Possession ) Act to University Quarters.53. Disqualification from being members of any authority of the University.54. No writ to issue against person or property of member of any authority of the University.55. Officers and servant of the University deemed to be public servant under the Penal Code56. University to be deemed a schedule institution with in the meaning of the Bribery Act.57. Transfer of other Institution to the University.58. Restriction in residence within University precincts.59. Prohibition of undisirable persons from entering precincts.60. Ordinances.61. By laws62. Regulations.63. Rules64. Provision of Act No 16 of 1978 not to apply.65. Repeal of Act No. 16 of 196866. Effect of repeal of Act, No 16 of 1968.67. Sinhala text to prevail in case of inconsistency.68. Interpretation