View All - 1999 Acts Section No : Acts & Ordinances BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE REHABILITATION AND EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT FUND(INCORPORATION)Marginal Notes1. This Act may be cited as the Board of Directors of the Rehabilitation and Education Development Fund (Incorporation) Act, No. 52 of 1999.2. Incorporation of the Board of Directors of the Rehabilitation and Education Development Fund. 3. General Objects of the Corporation. 4. General powers of the Corporation, 5. Rules of the Corporation. 6. Corporation may hold property movable or immovable. 7. Debts due and payable to the fund. 8. Federation of the Community Advancement Societies and its member societies affiliated Corporate bodies of the Corporation. 9. Property remaining on dissolution. 10. Seal of the Corporation. 11. Audit and accounts. 13. The right of the Republic and others. 14. Sinhala text to prevail in case of in consistency.