View All - 2023 Acts Section No : Acts & Ordinances BANKING (SPECIAL PROVISIONS) ACTMarginal Notes1. Short title and date of operation2. Application of the Act3. Resolution authority of the Central Bank4. Establishment of a department for the purpose of resolution of licensed banks5. Exercise, performance and discharge of resolution authority by the Central Bank6. Exclusion of the application of certain other enactments7. Provisions of this Part of this Act to apply to a holding company, &c. of a licensed bank8. Objectives of resolution9. Licensed banks to prepare a recovery plan10. Central Bank to issue directions on the preparation of recovery plans11. Central Bank to design a resolution plan12. Resolvability assessment13. Conditions for resolution14. Resolution powers of the Central Bank15. Financial Stability Fund16. Valuation of assets and liabilities of a licensed bank for the purpose of resolution17. Order staying court proceedings against the licensed bank18. Appointment of an Administrator19. Effect of taking control by the Administrator20. Administrator to prepare an inventory of assets and liabilities21. Administrator to prepare a report on the viable resolution options22. Termination of administratorship23. Capital increase by existing shareholders24. Recapitalization by new shareholders25. Transfer of shares and effecting a merger26. Transfer of selected assets and liabilities to a third party27. Requirements to fulfill for the transfer of assets and liabilities28. Effect of the transfer of assets and liabilities29. Extent of the liability of the transferee in respect of foreign currency depositors30. Establishment of a bridge bank31. Management of the affairs of the bridge bank32. Term of a bridge bank33. Providing temporary financial assistance by the Government34. Capitalization of a licensed bank having systemic impact35. Central Bank to notify the exercising of resolution powers36. Compensating shareholders and creditors37. Central Bank and the Ministry to exchange informations38. Cross-border cooperation39. Establishment of a deposit insurance scheme40. Administration and management of the Scheme41. Members of the Scheme42. Cessation of membership in the Scheme43. Member institutions to insure deposits under the Scheme44. Compensation to depositors45. Subrogation of the Scheme to the rights of depositors46. Compensation may be paid through another licensed bank47. Notice of payment of compensation48. Reporting by member institutions49. Deposit Insurance Fund50. Powers, duties and functions of the Central Bank relating to the Deposit Insurance Fund51. Sources of funds of the Deposit Insurance Fund52. Investment of the moneys of the Deposit Insurance Fund53. Transfer of funds from the Central Bank to the Deposit Insurance Fund54. Financial statements of the Deposit Insurance Fund55. Member institutions to pay a premium to the Deposit Insurance Fund56. Examination and supervision of member institutions57. Application of certain provisions of the Act to non-bank financial institutions58. Financial Sector Crisis Management Committee59. Duties and functions of the Financial Sector Crisis Management Committee60. The Technical Committee on Financial Sector Crisis Management61. Secretariat of the Committees62. Meetings of the Financial Sector Crisis Management Committee63. Committees may invite public and private sector stakeholders to meetings64. Confidentiality of the information of Committees65. Provisions of this Part of this Act to prevail over any other law66. Winding up of a licensed bank67. Application to court for a winding up order68. Appointment of a liquidator69. Powers, duties and functions of the liquidator70. Remuneration of the liquidator71. Removal of the liquidator72. Liquidator to prepare a winding up plan73. Prohibition in regard to court proceedings against licensed bank subject to winding up74. Liquidator to apply to court for an order to nullify certain acts75. Termination of fiduciary functions76. Termination of existing contracts77. Finality in payment, clearing and settlement systems78. Reports to be submitted by liquidator79. Registration of claims80. Admission or rejection of claims81. Appeals against rejected claims82. Disposal of assets, liabilities, or shares, &c in a winding up83. Setting off and netting84. Sale of assets in winding up85. Priority of claims for the distribution of assets in winding up86. Distribution schedule of payments in winding up87. Winding up proceedings concerning a licensed bank incorporated or established outside Sri Lanka88. Termination of winding up proceedings and revocation of licence89. Offences by directors or officers of the licensed bank90. Offences by body corporates91. Penalties92. Central Bank to issue directions on any aspects of its resolution authority93. Interpretation94. Protection from action95. Provisions for appeals96. This Act to prevail over other written laws97. Savings98. Sinhala text to prevail in case of inconsistency