View All - 2024 Acts Section No : Acts & Ordinances SRI LANKA NATIONAL COMMISSION FOR THE UNESCO ACTMarginal Notes1. This Act may be cited as the Sri Lanka National Commission for the UNESCO Act, No. 38 of 2024.2. Establishment of the Sri Lanka National Commission for the UNESCO3. Objects of the Commission4. Powers, duties and functions of the Commission5. Constitution of the Commission6. Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of the Commission7. Disqualifications for being appointed or continuing as a member of the Commission8. Terms of office of the appointed members of the Commission9. Removal, resignation etc. of appointed members10. General Conference of the Commission11. Quorum and the Meetings of the Commission12. Acts or proceedings of the Commission deemed not to be invalid by reason of any vacancy13. Remuneration of members of the Commission14. Seal of the Commission15. Establishment of the National Committees16. Duties and functions of the National Committees17. Appointment of ad hoc Committees18. Establishment of the Secretariat of the Commission19. Appointment of the SecretaryGeneral of the Commission20. Appointment of the Deputy SecretaryGeneral of the Commission21. Term of office of the SecretaryGeneral and the Deputy Secretary- General22. Staff of the Commission23. Appointment of public officers to the staff of the Commission24. Appointment of officers from higher educational institutions to the Commission25. Capital of the Commission26. The Fund of the Commission27. Investment of the moneys of the Commission28. Financial year and Audit of accounts of the Commission29. Directions of the Minister30. Commission report to be placed before Parliament31. All members of the Commission etc. deemed to be public servants32. Provisions of the Anti-Corruption Act, No.9 of 2023 to be applied33. Protection for action taken under this Act or on the directions of the Commission34. Rules35. Regulations36. Interpretation37. Sinhala text to prevail in case of inconsistency