View All - 2024 Acts Section No : Acts & Ordinances PUBLIC FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT ACTMarginal Notes1. Short title and date of operation2. Objects of the Act3. Application of the provisions of this Act4. Powers, duties and functions of the Minister of Finance under this Act5. Powers, duties, and functions of the Secretary to the Treasury6. Delegation of powers, duties and functions of the Secretary to the Treasury7. Powers, duties, and functions of the Chief Accounting Officer, &c.8. Revenue Management Committee9. Fiscal responsibility of the Government10. Objectives underlying responsible fiscal management11. Fiscal strategy statement12. Medium-term fiscal framework13. Debt reduction objective14. Primary balance target15. Primary expenditure of the Government16. Deviation from the primary expenditure ceiling17. Guarantee limit18. Scope of the annual budget19. Compliance with fiscal responsibility requirements20. Annual budget document and its accompanying documents21. Annual budget process22. Responsibilities of the Minister of Finance and the Secretary to the Treasury in the annual budget process23. Vote on Account24. Virement procedure25. Annual budget reserve26. Supplementary Estimates27. Excess Expenditure28. Warrants29. Expenditure control system30. Expiry of annual budget and lapsed payment31. Multi-year expenditure commitments32. Procurement33. Internal audit34. Treasury cash flow management and treasury single account system35. Opening and closing of bank accounts for the allocation of public finance36. Use of information and communication technology37. Foreign grants and Domestic grants made to the Government38. Asset management39. Powers of the Secretary to the Treasury on statutory funds40. General principles of public investment management and Public Investment Committee41. Public investment programme42. Project selection and budgeting43. Public-private partnership projects44. Project monitoring and evaluation45. Reporting46. Public debt management47. Financial reporting48. Power to require information49. Budget Economic and Fiscal Position Report50. Mid-year fiscal position report51. Final budget position report52. Pre-election budgetary position report53. Reports on financial performance of the Ministry of the Minister of Finance54. Write offs and waive offs55. Application of the provisions of this Part56. Authority of the Minister of Finance on State-Owned Enterprises57. Authority of the relevant Minister on State-Owned Enterprises58. Powers and duties of the Secretary to the Treasury regarding StateOwned Enterprises59. Budget of StateOwned Enterprises60. Levy or dividends from State-Owned Enterprises61. Reports of State Owned Enterprises62. Duty to observe the principles of transparency and fiscal responsibility63. Cadre management64. Financial misconduct by public officers and governing body of a public entity65. Report the noncompliance to the Cabinet of Ministers66. Consistency with other laws67. Regulations68. Power to issue instructions or directives69. Repeals70. Interpretation71. Sinhala text to prevail in the event of inconsistency