Section No :  
Legislative Enactments
Marginal Notes
1. This Act may be cited as the Army Act.
2. The Army.
3. Regular Force.
4. Regular Reserve.
5. Volunteer Force.
6. Volunteer Reserve.
7. Training.
8. Commander of the Army.
9. Appointment of officers.
10. Duration of appointments.
11. Resignation.
12. Promotion transfer and leave.
13. Enlistment.
14. Original enlistment, and re-engagement.
15. Reckoning and forfeiture of service.
16. Promotion, transfer, discharge, &c.
17. Reduction to rank of private.
18. Employment of Regular Force.
19. Employment of Regular Reserve, Volunteer Force and Volunteer Reserve.
20. Prolongation of service in the army.
21. Relations between military and naval and air forces of Sri Lanka acting together.
22. Co-operation with foreign military force.
23. Performance non-military duties
23A. Performance of certain other duties by members of the Army.[2,6 of 1962]
24. Emoluments of members of the Regular Force and of other members of the army who are on active
25. Allowances of officers and soldiers who members of the Regular Force and are not on active service.
26. Making and remission of deductions.
27. Penal deductions from the pay due to an officer. [ 2, 32 of 1962]
28. Penal deductions from the pay due to a soldier. [ 3, 32 of 1962]
29. Pensions and gratuities.
30. Assignment, seizure, or sequestration of pay, allowance, pension or gratuity.
31. Maintenance of wife and children.
32. Grievances of officers.
33. Grievances of soldiers.
34. Meaning of person subject to military law.
35. Persons liable to military custody.
36. Persons who may order military custody.
37. Custodians.
38. Statement of offence.
39. Military custody of officer or soldier not on active service,
40. Commanding officer's powers in regard to an accused. [ 2,38 of 1990]
41. Delegation of commanding officer's power to deal summarily with an accused soldier.
42. Summary trial of accused who is an officer of a rank below that of lieutenant-colonel or is a soldier. [ 3,38 of 1990]
43. Summary trial of accused who ,is a soldier other than warrant officer.
44. Manner of taking evidence at summary trial .
45. Three kinds of courts martial.
46. General court martial.
47. Jurisdiction of general court material.
48. Field general court martial.
49. Jurisdiction of field general court martial.
50. District court martial.
51. Jurisdiction of district court martial.
52. Courts martial in general.
53. Appointment of Judge Advocate.
54. Powers and duties of Judge-Advocate.
55. Oath or affirmation.
56. Time-limit.
57. Trial of offenders who have ceased to be subject to military law.
58. Effect of acquittal or conviction of an offence.
59. Place of trial.
60. Objections by accused to members of court martial,
61. Procedure.
62. When offence Proved is included in offence charged.
63. Conviction and sentence not valid till confirmation.
64. Authorities empowered to confirm convictions and sentences.
65. Powers of confirming authority.
66. Revision of conviction and sentence on reference to court martial.
67. Revision of sentence which has been confirmed.
68. Suspension and remission of sentence of imprisonment or detention passed on a soldier.
69. Commencement of sentence
70. Execution of sentence of be imprisonment
71. Execution of sentence of detention.
72. Summoning and privilege witnesses at courts martial.
73. Counsel at court martial.
74. Accused who is of unsound mind.
75. Right of person tried by court martial to copy of proceedings.
76. Preservation of record of proceedings of court martial.
77. Jurisdiction of civil courts not affected by this Act .
78. Delivery of military offenders to the civil powers.
79. Issue of writs by Court of Appeal.
80. Actions against persons for acts done under this Act.
81. Rules of evidence.
82. Application of sections 83 to 93.
83. Proof of answers given by a person on enlistment or re-engagement as a soldier.
84. Proof of enlistment.
85. Letters, returns, or other of the documents respecting service.
86. Copies of regulations and orders printed by Government Printer.
87. Army list or gazette.
88. Orders made under this Act by military authorities.
89. Record made in a regimental book.
90. Descriptive return.
91. Certificate regarding surrender of or absentee without leave.
92. Certificate regarding arrest or surrender of officer or soldier outside Sri Lanka.
93. Copy of the proceedings of a court martial.
94. Evidence of conviction or acquittal by civil court
95. Offences in relation to the enemy.
96. Offences in relation to the enemy not punishable with death.
97. Offences punishable more severely on active service than at other times.
98. Mutiny and sedition.
99. Striking or threatening superior officer.
100. Disobedience to superior.
101. Insubordination.
102. Neglect to obey garrison or other orders.
103. Desertion.
104. Fraudulent enlistment.
105. Assistance of or connivance at desertion.
106. Absence from duly without leave.
107. Scandalous conduct of officer.
108. Fraud by person in charge of property.
109. Disgraceful conduct.
110. Drunkenness.
111. Permitting escape of person in custody.
112. Irregular arrest or confinement.
113. Escape from confinement.
114. Corrupt dealings in respect of supplies to army.
115. Deficiency in, and injury to, equipment.
116. Falsifying official documents and false declarations.
117. Neglect to report, ands signing in blank.
118. False accusation or false statement.
119. Offences in relation to courts martial.
120. False evidence.
121. Enlistment soldier, airman discharged with disgrace.
122. False answers on enlistment.
123. General offences in relation to enlistment.
124. Traitorous words.
125. Injurious disclosures.
126. Ill-treating soldier.
127. Duelling and attempting to commit suicide.
128. Refusal to deliver to civil court officers and soldiers accused of civil offences.
129. Conduct prejudicial to military discipline.
130. Illegal gratification in connexion with appointment or promotion.
131. Treason, murder, culpable homicide not amounting to murder, and rape.
132. Any civil offence not mentioned in section 131.
133. Scale of punishments by courts martial.
134. Special provisions in regard to punishments by courts martial
135. Unlawful recruiting. [2,22 of 1964]
136. False answers by applicants for enlistment.
137. Pretending to be a deserter.
138. Inducing or assisting officers or soldiers to desert or absent themselves without leave.
139. Interference with military duties.
140. Illegal gratification to persons not subject to military law in respect of appointments or promotions in the army.
141. Purchase of regimental necessaries, equipment, stores, &c
142. Unlawful possession of military certificates, &c
143. Unauthorized use of decorations, &c
144. Obligations of employer.
145. Misconduct of civilian witness at court martial.
146. False evidence by civilian witness at, and contempt of civilian towards, court martial.
147. Unauthorized training of a military nature.
148. Inquiry into absence of soldier.
149. Confession by soldier of desertion or fraudulent enlistment.
150. Arrest of deserters and absentees without leaves.
151. Committal, removal, release, &c, of military prisoner or soldier undergoing detention.
152. Military prisoners in civil prisons.
153. Duty of superintendent prison of any prison confine,
154. Establishment and regulation of military prisons and detention barracks.
155. Regulations.
156. Continuance in force of made under the Defence Force ordinance.
156A. Special provisions relating to the payment of pensions and gratuities to certain members of the Ceylon Defence Force. [ 3, 22 of 1964]
156B. Special provisions relating to the payment of pensions and gratuities to widows and families of certain deceased members of the Ceylon Defence Force. [ 2, 22 of 1971]
157. Vesting of property of army in the Commander of the Army.
158. Power as to restitution of stolen property.
159. Exercise of Powers vested in holder of military office.
160. Provisions as to warrants and orders of military authorities.
161. Members of any foreign armed force attached to the army of Sri Lanka.
162. Interpretation.