| 1.
| | This Act may be cited as the Army Act. |
| 2.
| | The Army. |
| 3.
| | Regular Force. |
| 4.
| | Regular Reserve. |
| 5.
| | Volunteer Force. |
| 6.
| | Volunteer Reserve. |
| 7.
| | Training. |
| 8.
| | Commander of the Army. |
| 9.
| | Appointment of officers. |
| 10.
| | Duration of appointments. |
| 11.
| | Resignation. |
| 12.
| | Promotion transfer and leave. |
| 13.
| | Enlistment. |
| 14.
| | Original enlistment, and re-engagement. |
| 15.
| | Reckoning and forfeiture of service. |
| 16.
| | Promotion, transfer, discharge, &c. |
| 17.
| | Reduction to rank of private. |
| 18.
| | Employment of Regular Force. |
| 19.
| | Employment of Regular Reserve, Volunteer Force and Volunteer Reserve. |
| 20.
| | Prolongation of service in the army. |
| 21.
| | Relations between military and naval and air forces of Sri Lanka acting together. |
| 22.
| | Co-operation with foreign military force. |
| 23.
| | Performance non-military duties |
| 23A.
| | Performance of certain other duties by members of the Army.[2,6 of 1962] |
| 24.
| | Emoluments of members of the Regular Force and of other members of the army who are on active |
| 25.
| | Allowances of officers and soldiers who members of the Regular Force and are not on active service. |
| 26.
| | Making and remission of deductions. |
| 27.
| | Penal deductions from the pay due to an officer. [ 2, 32 of 1962] |
| 28.
| | Penal deductions from the pay due to a soldier. [ 3, 32 of 1962] |
| 29.
| | Pensions and gratuities. |
| 30.
| | Assignment, seizure, or sequestration of pay, allowance, pension or gratuity. |
| 31.
| | Maintenance of wife and children. |
| 32.
| | Grievances of officers. |
| 33.
| | Grievances of soldiers. |
| 34.
| | Meaning of person subject to military law. |
| 35.
| | Persons liable to military custody. |
| 36.
| | Persons who may order military custody. |
| 37.
| | Custodians. |
| 38.
| | Statement of offence. |
| 39.
| | Military custody of officer or soldier not on active service, |
| 40.
| | Commanding officer's powers in regard to an accused. [ 2,38 of 1990] |
| 41.
| | Delegation of commanding officer's power to deal summarily with an accused soldier. |
| 42.
| | Summary trial of accused who is an officer of a rank below that of lieutenant-colonel or is a soldier. [ 3,38 of 1990] |
| 43.
| | Summary trial of accused who ,is a soldier other than warrant officer. |
| 44.
| | Manner of taking evidence at summary trial . |
| 45.
| | Three kinds of courts martial. |
| 46.
| | General court martial. |
| 47.
| | Jurisdiction of general court material. |
| 48.
| | Field general court martial. |
| 49.
| | Jurisdiction of field general court martial. |
| 50.
| | District court martial. |
| 51.
| | Jurisdiction of district court martial. |
| 52.
| | Courts martial in general. |
| 53.
| | Appointment of Judge Advocate. |
| 54.
| | Powers and duties of Judge-Advocate. |
| 55.
| | Oath or affirmation. |
| 56.
| | Time-limit. |
| 57.
| | Trial of offenders who have ceased to be subject to military law. |
| 58.
| | Effect of acquittal or conviction of an offence. |
| 59.
| | Place of trial. |
| 60.
| | Objections by accused to members of court martial, |
| 61.
| | Procedure. |
| 62.
| | When offence Proved is included in offence charged. |
| 63.
| | Conviction and sentence not valid till confirmation. |
| 64.
| | Authorities empowered to confirm convictions and sentences. |
| 65.
| | Powers of confirming authority. |
| 66.
| | Revision of conviction and sentence on reference to court martial. |
| 67.
| | Revision of sentence which has been confirmed. |
| 68.
| | Suspension and remission of sentence of imprisonment or detention passed on a soldier. |
| 69.
| | Commencement of sentence |
| 70.
| | Execution of sentence of be imprisonment |
| 71.
| | Execution of sentence of detention. |
| 72.
| | Summoning and privilege witnesses at courts martial. |
| 73.
| | Counsel at court martial. |
| 74.
| | Accused who is of unsound mind. |
| 75.
| | Right of person tried by court martial to copy of proceedings. |
| 76.
| | Preservation of record of proceedings of court martial. |
| 77.
| | Jurisdiction of civil courts not affected by this Act . |
| 78.
| | Delivery of military offenders to the civil powers. |
| 79.
| | Issue of writs by Court of Appeal. |
| 80.
| | Actions against persons for acts done under this Act. |
| 81.
| | Rules of evidence. |
| 82.
| | Application of sections 83 to 93. |
| 83.
| | Proof of answers given by a person on enlistment or re-engagement as a soldier. |
| 84.
| | Proof of enlistment. |
| 85.
| | Letters, returns, or other of the documents respecting service. |
| 86.
| | Copies of regulations and orders printed by Government Printer. |
| 87.
| | Army list or gazette. |
| 88.
| | Orders made under this Act by military authorities. |
| 89.
| | Record made in a regimental book. |
| 90.
| | Descriptive return. |
| 91.
| | Certificate regarding surrender of or absentee without leave. |
| 92.
| | Certificate regarding arrest or surrender of officer or soldier outside Sri Lanka. |
| 93.
| | Copy of the proceedings of a court martial. |
| 94.
| | Evidence of conviction or acquittal by civil court |
| 95.
| | Offences in relation to the enemy. |
| 96.
| | Offences in relation to the enemy not punishable with death. |
| 97.
| | Offences punishable more severely on active service than at other times. |
| 98.
| | Mutiny and sedition. |
| 99.
| | Striking or threatening superior officer. |
| 100.
| | Disobedience to superior. |
| 101.
| | Insubordination. |
| 102.
| | Neglect to obey garrison or other orders. |
| 103.
| | Desertion. |
| 104.
| | Fraudulent enlistment. |
| 105.
| | Assistance of or connivance at desertion. |
| 106.
| | Absence from duly without leave. |
| 107.
| | Scandalous conduct of officer. |
| 108.
| | Fraud by person in charge of property. |
| 109.
| | Disgraceful conduct. |
| 110.
| | Drunkenness. |
| 111.
| | Permitting escape of person in custody. |
| 112.
| | Irregular arrest or confinement. |
| 113.
| | Escape from confinement. |
| 114.
| | Corrupt dealings in respect of supplies to army. |
| 115.
| | Deficiency in, and injury to, equipment. |
| 116.
| | Falsifying official documents and false declarations. |
| 117.
| | Neglect to report, ands signing in blank. |
| 118.
| | False accusation or false statement. |
| 119.
| | Offences in relation to courts martial. |
| 120.
| | False evidence. |
| 121.
| | Enlistment soldier, airman discharged with disgrace. |
| 122.
| | False answers on enlistment. |
| 123.
| | General offences in relation to enlistment. |
| 124.
| | Traitorous words. |
| 125.
| | Injurious disclosures. |
| 126.
| | Ill-treating soldier. |
| 127.
| | Duelling and attempting to commit suicide. |
| 128.
| | Refusal to deliver to civil court officers and soldiers accused of civil offences. |
| 129.
| | Conduct prejudicial to military discipline. |
| 130.
| | Illegal gratification in connexion with appointment or promotion. |
| 131.
| | Treason, murder, culpable homicide not amounting to murder, and rape. |
| 132.
| | Any civil offence not mentioned in section 131. |
| 133.
| | Scale of punishments by courts martial. |
| 134.
| | Special provisions in regard to punishments by courts martial |
| 135.
| | Unlawful recruiting. [2,22 of 1964] |
| 136.
| | False answers by applicants for enlistment. |
| 137.
| | Pretending to be a deserter. |
| 138.
| | Inducing or assisting officers or soldiers to desert or absent themselves without leave. |
| 139.
| | Interference with military duties. |
| 140.
| | Illegal gratification to persons not subject to military law in respect of appointments or promotions in the army. |
| 141.
| | Purchase of regimental necessaries, equipment, stores, &c |
| 142.
| | Unlawful possession of military certificates, &c |
| 143.
| | Unauthorized use of decorations, &c |
| 144.
| | Obligations of employer. |
| 145.
| | Misconduct of civilian witness at court martial. |
| 146.
| | False evidence by civilian witness at, and contempt of civilian towards, court martial. |
| 147.
| | Unauthorized training of a military nature. |
| 148.
| | Inquiry into absence of soldier. |
| 149.
| | Confession by soldier of desertion or fraudulent enlistment. |
| 150.
| | Arrest of deserters and absentees without leaves. |
| 151.
| | Committal, removal, release, &c, of military prisoner or soldier undergoing detention. |
| 152.
| | Military prisoners in civil prisons. |
| 153.
| | Duty of superintendent prison of any prison confine, |
| 154.
| | Establishment and regulation of military prisons and detention barracks. |
| 155.
| | Regulations. |
| 156.
| | Continuance in force of made under the Defence Force ordinance. |
| 156A.
| | Special provisions relating to the payment of pensions and gratuities to certain members of the Ceylon Defence Force. [ 3, 22 of 1964] |
| 156B.
| | Special provisions relating to the payment of pensions and gratuities to widows and families of certain deceased members of the Ceylon Defence Force. [ 2, 22 of 1971] |
| 157.
| | Vesting of property of army in the Commander of the Army. |
| 158.
| | Power as to restitution of stolen property. |
| 159.
| | Exercise of Powers vested in holder of military office. |
| 160.
| | Provisions as to warrants and orders of military authorities. |
| 161.
| | Members of any foreign armed force attached to the army of Sri Lanka. |
| 162.
| | Interpretation. |