| 1.
| | Short title and date of operation |
| 2.
| | Objects of the Act |
| 3.
| | Right of a victim of crime to a fair treatment |
| 4.
| | Right of a victim
of crime to
information on
protection and
available to him |
| 5.
| | Right of a victim
of crime in
relation to
&c |
| 6.
| | Right of a victim
of crime to
obtain copies of
documents |
| 7.
| | Entitlements of a
victim of crime
to receive
assistance |
| 8.
| | Victim impact statement |
| 9.
| | Rights and
entitlements of a
witness |
| 10.
| | Making
violation of
rights or denial
of entitlements
of victims of
crime or
witnesses |
| 11.
| | Duty of public
officers to
respect the rights
and entitlements
of victims of
crime and
witnesses |
| 12.
| | Limitation of
rights and
entitlements |
| 13.
| | Victim
Register |
| 14.
| | Intimidation to a victim of crime or witness |
| 15.
| | Causing hurt to a victim of crime or witness |
| 16.
| | Restraining a victim of crime or witness |
| 17.
| | Compelling or
inducing a
victim of crime
or witness to
leave any place,
or causing loss
or damage to the
property of a
victim of crime
or witness |
| 18.
| | Harassment to a person in the place of employment |
| 19.
| | Providing
gratification to
prevent legal
proceedings, &c |
| 20.
| | Disclosure of information |
| 21.
| | Providing false information |
| 22.
| | Disclosure of
information by a
protection |
| 23.
| | Attempting,
aiding & c., in
the commission
of an offence |
| 24.
| | An offence
under section
14, 15, 16, 17,
18, 19, 20, 21,
22 or 23 to be
cognizable and
bailable |
| 25.
| | Determination
of sentence |
| 26.
| | Making
complaints in
relation to
offences under
this Part of this
Act |
| 27.
| | Entitlement to
seek protection |
| 28.
| | Nature of
protection that
may be sought
by a victim of
crime or witness |
| 29.
| | Application for
protection |
| 30.
| | Threat
assessment in
relation to
specified in the
Schedule |
| 31.
| | Protection with
regard to
offences not
specified in the
Schedule |
| 32.
| | Duty of court or
Commission in
relation to
proceedings |
| 33.
| | Protection to be
provided by law
authorities and
public officers |
| 34.
| | Special measures for vulnerable
victims of crime or witnesses |
| 35.
| | Continuous
needs assessment
by Protection
Officer and
variation of
arrangement |
| 36.
| | Cessation of
protection |
| 37.
| | Duties of a
victim of crime
or witness in
regard to
assistance and
protection |
| 38.
| | Victims and
Officers |
| 39.
| | National
Authority for
the Protection of
Victims of
Crime and
Witnesses |
| 40.
| | Duties and functions of the Authority |
| 41.
| | Powers of the
Authority |
| 42.
| | Board of Management of the Authority |
| 43.
| | Chairman of the Authority |
| 44.
| | Disqualifications
for being a
member of the
Board |
| 45.
| | Resignation and
removal of
members of the
Board |
| 46.
| | Term of office
of an appointed
member |
| 47.
| | Remuneration of members |
| 48.
| | Meetings of the Board |
| 49.
| | Any act not
invalidated by
reason of a
vacancy in the
Board |
| 50.
| | Seal of the Authority |
| 51.
| | Director-General of the Authority |
| 52.
| | Staff of the Authority |
| 53.
| | Appointment of
public officers
to the staff of
the Authority |
| 54.
| | Establishment of
the Victims of
Crime and
Assistance and
Division |
| 55.
| | Protection
Division to have
jurisdiction |
| 56.
| | Powers, duties
and functions of
the Protection
Division |
| 57.
| | Assistance and
Programme for
Victims of
Crime and
Witnesses |
| 58.
| | Duty of the
Authority to
information on
the General
Programme |
| 59.
| | Adopting a
programme for
a victim of
crime or witness |
| 60.
| | Compensation
and interim
awards to be
made on just
and equitable
basis |
| 61.
| | Court may order
compensation |
| 62.
| | Default of
payment of
compensation |
| 63.
| | Matters to be
before ordering
to pay
compensation |
| 64.
| | Onus of proving the claim |
| 65.
| | Receipt of
not to be a bar
to civil
proceedings |
| 66.
| | Appeals |
| 67.
| | Authority may
make an interim
award of money
in exceptional
circumstances |
| 68.
| | Application for
interim award of
money from the
Authority |
| 69.
| | Advisory Board
to recommend
granting of
interim awards |
| 70.
| | Grant of interim award |
| 71.
| | Failure to repay
the interim
award |
| 72.
| | Authority to
issue guidelines
relating to
interim awards |
| 73.
| | Nonentitlement
award |
| 74.
| | Advisory Board on Awards |
| 75.
| | Chairman of Advisory Board |
| 76.
| | Disqualifications for being a member of the Advisory Board |
| 77.
| |
Section - 77 |
| 78.
| | Term of office
of a member of
the Advisory
Board |
| 79.
| | Remuneration of
members |
| 80.
| | Meetings of
the Advisory
Board |
| 81.
| | Any act not
invalidated by
reason of a
vacancy in the
Advisory Board |
| 82.
| | Contemporaneous audio-visual linkage |
| 83.
| | Supporting an
application and
giving notice of
an application |
| 84.
| | Court or
Commission to
be satisfied with
technical and
requirements |
| 85.
| | Court or
Commission to
satisfy itself of
accuracy of the
linkage, &c. |
| 86.
| | An accused?s
right to a fair
trial |
| 87.
| | Sri Lankan
mission to be the
remote location
outside Sri
Lanka |
| 88.
| | Order to vary or
permission for
linkage |
| 89.
| | A witness
deemed to be a
witness of the
court |
| 90.
| | Fund of the Authority |
| 91.
| | Protection Fund |
| 92.
| | Financial year and audit of accounts |
| 93.
| | Annual report |
| 94.
| | Interference in
the exercise of
powers, &c. |
| 95.
| | Offences by a
body of persons |
| 96.
| | Secrecy |
| 97.
| | Assessment of
credibility of a
testimony |
| 98.
| | Officers and
other employees
of the Authority
deemed to be
public servants |
| 99.
| | Officers of the
Authority to be
peace officers |
| 100.
| | Authority
deemed to be a
within the
meaning of the
Act |
| 101.
| | Rules |
| 102.
| | Regulations |
| 103.
| | Repeal and savings |
| 104.
| | Interpretation |
| 105.
| | Sinhala text to
prevail in case
of inconsistency |