Section No : 1980 Revised version AGRICULTURAL INSURANCEMarginal Notes1. This Law may be cited as the Agricultural Insurance Law.2. Establishment and constitution of the Board. [ 2, 55 of 1979.]3. Members of the Board, ;c.[$3,55 of 1979.]4. General Control of the Board.5. Seal of the Board.6. Powers of Minister in relation to the Board.7. Staff of the Board.8. Board deemed to be a scheduled institution within the meaning of the Bribery Act9. General objects of the Board.10. Powers of the Board.11. Compulsory insurance of the paddy crop.12. Determination and payment of premium.13. Loss claim.14. Award of indemnity.15. Appeals against rejection of claims to indemnity, ;c.16. Maximum insurance liability.17. Minister to determine the crops and species of livestock for voluntary insurance.18. Insurance policy.19. Reinsurance.20. Capital of the Board.21. Fund of the Board-22. Expenses of administration.23. Borrowing powers of the Board.24. Investment of funds of the25. Application of provisions of the Public Corporations (Financial Control) Act.26. Regulations.27. Protection for action taken under this Law or on direction of the Board.28. Offences.29. This Law to prevail over other written law.30. Property of the Republic both immovable and movable to be made available to the Board and acquisition of immovable property under the Land Acquisition Act, for the Board.31. Payment of indemnity on death of person entitled thereto.32. Assignment of by way of security for loan,33. Prohibition of seizure or sequestration of indemnity due to any person. 34. Deductions from indemnity.35. Effect of transfer of interest to which an insurance policy relates.36. Voidance of insurance.37. Payment of premium in kind.38. Power of inspection of lands in which specified crops are raised.39. Power to direct an insured person to take measures to prevent damage to insured land.40. Repeal of Crop Insurance Act, No. 13 of 1961,41. Interpretation.